Parenting Guide, How to be a good father?


Parenting Guide,

How to be a good father?

Being a good father isn't easy, but there are some reminders that can help you be a better father.


The funny thing is, being a father is a huge responsibility, but when you see your kids around you and just enjoy being their father, it's a lot of fun and enjoyment.


Scheduling time to spend with your children Some parents miss the opportunity to spend some time with their children and get busy with responsibilities and interests and suddenly realize that the opportunity has passed. It's gone and you can't get it back. If you don't build a strong bond between you and your children when they are young, it will be difficult to get along with them when you are older, but they still need help and support.


Be their teacher and role model. Make decisions in front of them and tell them why you made that decision and talk to them about choices you've made in the past and what worked or didn't work in your endeavors. Evaluate all of your decisions by thinking, "What do you want for the child in this situation?" Teach your child that it's okay to make mistakes. Everyone can make mistakes but the important thing is to learn from your mistakes and try to avoid making the same mistakes again and again.


Showing affection: Some men may not be comfortable showing affection, communicating and showing love to their children. But you should love your children and let them express their feelings, it teaches them to love others.


Respect the mother of your children (your wife). Mutual respect between parents and children is very important, as children will imitate the behavior of their parents. How you treat the mother of your children will affect the cultural role of the children when they become parents. Make parents a partner in how you discipline and reward your children and be fair to each other.


Do not place unreanable expectations on your children.You can fill your children's lives with psychological stress. Help your childunderstandand evaluate the people around him, including siblings,schoolchildren, teachersand coaches. Also help them understand their aspirations, assess theirabilities, and set achievable goals. Help them meet their needs,butavoid them. Stay out of chaos.


Don't set unreasonable expectations on yourself, you are an important person in your child's development. But there are many other people and things that will affect proper growth. Also, you can't protect all of your child's strengths, and you shouldn't blame your child for your child's weaknesses.


You should understand that a father's job is never finished, and don't assume that once your children reach the age of 21 or graduate from university, you are done raising them. They should feel that you care about them and that they are valuable to you.


Always listen to your children and be patient with what they do.

How to Discipline Your Children Teaching children what is right and wrong is the act of showing them that their behavior is inappropriate and unacceptable. Use force rarely. It is not necessary at all to achieve the goals, regardless of the child's age. In many cases, other methods and approaches give a better result, such as depriving the child of something valuable that has proven effective over time. This affects the child's self-esteem and the child's respect for you as a parent. Disciplinary methods that show results in the short term may have unintended negative consequences in the long term.


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