Make an edible Lipstick at home by using Strawberries,Beetroot and Rose Petals.

           Make an edible  Lipstick   at home by         using Strawberries,Beetroot and RosePetals.



. Here's a simple recipes of Lip Balm using natural ingredients:


                                     Strawberry Lip Balm 


Raspberries or strawberries (for color)

Coconut oil

Beeswax pellets (or soy wax for a vegan option)

Essential oil (optional, for fragrance)

Small containers or lipstick tubes


Choose your fruit: 

You can use raspberries or strawberries to provide color to your lipstick. Crush or blend them to extract the juice.

Create the base:

 In a double boiler or microwave-safe bowl, melt a small amount of coconut oil (about 1 tablespoon) and beeswax pellets (about 1 teaspoon) together. Stir until fully melted.

Add fruit juice:

 Mix in the raspberry or strawberry juice to the melted base. The amount you use will determine the intensity of the color. Start with a small amount and add more if needed.

Optional fragrance:

 If you want to add fragrance, you can include a few drops of essential oil like vanilla, peppermint, or lavender. Be cautious with the amount, as essential oils can be potent.

Pour into containers: 

Carefully pour the mixture into small containers or lipstick tubes. Allow it to cool and solidify.


 Your homemade edible lipstick is ready to use. Apply it like you would with regular lipstick.

Keep in mind that homemade lipsticks may have a shorter shelf life than commercial ones due to the absence of preservatives, so store them in a cool, dry place and use within a reasonable time frame. Additionally, do a patch test to ensure you don't have any adverse reactions to the ingredients.


                        Beetroot Lip Balm


Beetroot (1 small)

Coconut oil or almond oil (1 tablespoon)

Shea butter or cocoa butter (1 tablespoon)

Beeswax (1 tablespoon)

Essential oil for fragrance (optional)

Mica powder or food coloring (optional, for color)


Grate or finely chop the beetroot.

In a double boiler or a heatproof bowl over simmering water, combine the beetroot, coconut/almond oil, shea/cocoa butter, and beeswax.

Heat and stir until the ingredients melt and mix together.

Remove from heat and strain the mixture through a fine mesh strainer or cheesecloth to separate the beetroot juice from the solids.

Add a few drops of essential oil for fragrance if desired.

For color, you can add a pinch of mica powder or food coloring until you achieve the desired shade.

Pour the mixture into lipstick molds or an empty lipstick container.

Let it cool and harden for a few hours or refrigerate to speed up the process.

Your homemade edible lipstick is ready to use! Keep it in a cool place to prevent melting. Remember that the color may vary depending on the concentration of beetroot juice or other natural pigments you use. Adjust as needed for your preferred shade.


                    Rose Petals Lip Balm

Making edible lipstick at home using rose petals is a creative and natural option. Here's a simple recipe:


Fresh rose petals (make sure they are pesticide-free)

Coconut oil or shea butter

Beeswax (optional, for texture and firmness)

A small container or lipstick tube for storage


Wash the rose petals thoroughly to remove any dirt or residue.

Dry the petals by patting them gently with a paper towel.

In a heat-resistant bowl or double boiler, combine a small handful of rose petals with a tablespoon of coconut oil or shea butter. You can adjust the quantities depending on how much lipstick you want to make.

Optionally, you can add a small amount of beeswax (around half a teaspoon) to give the lipstick a firmer texture. Beeswax also helps it stay solid at room temperature.

Heat the mixture gently using a double boiler or microwave, but be careful not to overheat it. You want to infuse the oil/butter with the rose petals' color and fragrance, so heat it for a few minutes until the petals start to wilt and release their color and aroma into the oil.

Once the mixture is heated, remove it from the heat source and let it cool slightly. Be cautious as it may be hot.

Use a fine mesh strainer or cheesecloth to strain the infused oil into a clean container, separating the liquid from the solid rose petals. This liquid is your natural rose petal pigment.

Allow the infused oil to cool further and solidify. This may take a few hours, or you can speed up the process by placing it in the refrigerator.

Once the oil has solidified, you can use a small brush or your finger to apply it to your lips like regular lipstick.

Store your homemade rose petal lipstick in a cool, dry place or the refrigerator to keep it fresh.

Please note that homemade cosmetics may have a shorter shelf life than commercial products, so make small batches and use them within a reasonable timeframe. Enjoy your natural, edible lipstick!


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