Health & Fitness

Health and Fitness!

        Many people never realize the importance of health and staying fit.They generally underestimate the importance of good health,as they never know its benefits.We all know that health is wealth ,but only few people follow it in their life.

Staying healthy ,helps in caring out our daily tasks.Staying healthy does not mean having a body without the disease, but also having a relaxed mind.If a person has a healthy mind helps in achieving success in life and enjoy it with full enthusiasm.Health and Fitness both go hand in hand.Being healthy has a lot of advantages,and there are ways of being healthy and fit in simple terms being healthy and fit means taking good care of the body.

Health can be defined as a holistic way of the growth f the human body and mind.A healthy person’s body is in complete harmony with his mind. We can practice the art of health and wellness by keeping in mind that our bodies are made from living tissues.Those tissues require nutrition to grow, and nutrients that reach our tissues.

Health and Fitness is the key to long,active and enjoyable life.It is correctly stated that Health is the actual Wealth that a person can retain.We keep guards to protect our health from disease.Physical exercise guards our health.Good health is impossible without proper exercise .Physical exercise prevents the attack of disease.There are some disease which can be cured through physical exercise.

Different people do different exercises, It depends upon their physical constitution and their liking.Morning walk and evening recommended for all.But these who have weak physical constitutions are advised not to go for gym.

*Health is the total physical and mental Fitness.

*Health and Fitness are interconnected.

*Drinking plenty of water is essential to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

*Regular exercise and a healthy diet are essential to keep our body and mind    happy.

*To have a healthy mind ,  can try meditation.

  It is easy for a healthy person to achieve what  want to in life.

10 Healthy Habits!

*Be physically active every day.

*Eat plenty of vegetables and some fruit every day.

*Get enough sleep and eat breakfast.

*Switch to low-fat (1% or less) milk, cheese, and yogurt.

*Do something healthy every day that makes you feel good.

*Drink water instead of soda or juice.


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